What is Hodgepodge?

Hodgepodge is a collection of work by me that I did throughout the years. These are smaller based projects or little creative designs I have done whenever I have free time. These designs range from other UI projects to illustrations I’ve worked on!


Remember when everyone had their own fandoms? Standom is a social media site that focuses on content first versus status. On this app, you get to join different groups and talk about the latest news or discussions revolving around that fandom!

My Role

For this small project, I worked with one of my friends as the Product Designer and Brand Designer.

When I was designing, I did research on other social media apps to see how users interact with aspects such as posting and commenting. What this app was catered for would be posting discussions and photos into their favorite fandom.

In my process:

  • I created low and mid fidelity prototypes to get a sense of layout for the app

  • Talked with my developer to see the feasibility of such components

  • Worked on branding for the overall app such as logowork and app assets

Joe’s Jerky

This mini project was a collaboration with my friend who wanted to build a jerky website for his dad’s beef jerky business. I created the mockup designs for the jerky website on mobile.


While this project is not necessarily design focused, the Acuity app demonstrates my software development skills! Acuity is a mobile app assistant to help visually impaired individuals identify objects while shopping in the grocery store.

My Role

For this group project, I was the product designer and brand designer. Alongside with my team, I worked on the front-end design of the app using React.


For this senior design project, we won 1st place for the department award for computer science.

This app had to be a fairly simple UI because it catered to a very specific audience: the visual impaired. The core functionality was to pair the device and start detecting grocery items.


Created using Adobe Illustrator. A passion of mine is always watching movies in my spare time and another thing I like are recreations of movie posters. These posters showcase iconic scenes from these various movies as a spin to movie posters.


Volinteract: A Volunteer Social Media App


Designing for Accessibility: Quorum Blocks